Let me begin by saying I love pets. I have had many four-legged and a few winged companions in my life and each of them holds a very special place in my memories. Since my “four-legged alarm clock” Natty went to wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge, I have not had a tremendous amount of interest in getting another pet, at least until I had the opportunity to move closer to work. Personally, I have been content with that, even after moving closer a few months ago.
Recently, I was informed by my “significant other person” that a pet “would be a great Valentine’s gift.” Now, I will readily admit to not being the most “tuned in” person, but I caught on to that hint right away. The original wish was for a dog. I am more of a “dog person” than I am a “cat person,” but, in practical terms, a cat would be much better. There was already a litter box and a cat climbing thing, left over from the late, “Buddy the Cat.” When I was finally given the option of the two, I immediately began to search the local humane society website for kittens to adopt.
Then, it was time to “take the plunge” and travel to the humane society to adopt a cat. After much examination and thought (the final decision was completely out of my hands, by design) a choice was made. The choice was “Juno,” an orange cat with faint stripes. I admit, she is a pretty cat, not quite two years old. Just as soon as the cat arrived at her new “home,” she vanished under a bed, then into a closet. When I found her in the closet, she bolted into a room still full of boxes from the “move.” From there, she “vanished” and was not seen again. Not only has she not been seen, she has remained silent. I was informed that she did make a brief appearance and has begun to use the litter box in that room. That was welcomed news. I still have not seen her since she ran from the closet on that first afternoon.
We are still debating on a permanent name for this “invisible cat.” I suggested “Sasquatch,” since sighting of her has been so rare that her mere existence is up to debate. When I made that suggestion, I was told, “You are so weird.” Now that’s a news flash for you. A permanent name has yet to be settled on. Any suggestions would be welcome and might even be a bit of fun. In the mean time, I will continue to search in order to prove the “invisible cat” does exist.