I have always been a big fan of the old “Dragnet” television series. I can still remember the opening: “The story you are about to hear is true; only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.” Of course, there were other great quotable lines from that show, such as; “Just the facts, ma’am.”
I had a fun experience a few days ago. I was visiting one of our local eateries, O’Neal’s Buffet, to be exact. That name hasn’t been changed. I gladly give them a “plug.” They are nice people with pretty good food. I call them “Madison’s best guilty pleasure.” As I was sitting in my quiet little booth, I could not help but notice four women in the booth across from me. They were a bit older than me and they were having a good time. There was abundant and gregarious laughter emanating from their booth. It was the kind of thing that makes one feel good, even if one is not exactly privy to the entire conversation. One of them mentioned they frequently get together, since they are all, for the most part, widows. It was clear that whenever they did get together, there was going to be smiles and laughter. Just before I started to leave, one of them came over to me and said, “I apologize for us being so loud. I hope you aren’t going to put it in the paper.” I assured her that, in all likelihood, there would be something in the paper. I told her how refreshing it was to see and hear people genuinely enjoying themselves and each other’s company.
What you have just read is true; only the names have been omitted to protect the innocent (and the loud and fun). Those are “just the facts,” from over here on the Sunny Side.