I recently saw a social media post from a friend that showed the month of November with all the dates after Thanksgiving circled and labeled, “Christmas season.” It also had the dates before Thanksgiving circled and labeled, “also Christmas season.” I can relate to that. I am not one to short-change the pilgrims and turkey day. In fact, I try to be thankful every day in which I am allowed to wake up in the morning. Most of you who meet me on the street know that I often say, “I woke up this morning, it’s a good day.”
I do understand there are Grinches among us, and some would complain if I were to blast “It’s Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas” for all in the office to hear (that happens to be the song playing right now). So, out of a level of respect for my co-worker friends, I will continue to use my headphones. I won’t promise that I will not frequently sing along with whatever tune is playing in my ear, if I am feeling particularly festive (which is most of the time).
To be honest, I think the whole “Peace on Earth and goodwill to men” is something we should hope for throughout the year. If listening to a holiday tune every once in a while can put someone in the mood to be a little nicer and kinder to other folks, I say “let the Christmas music play!”
I also noticed that the Hallmark Channel has begun to play their Christmas movies. I haven’t begun to watch those just yet, but I will soon. Yes, I watch Hallmark Christmas movies. No, you do not get to judge me; and I will not be giving up my “guy card,” I will still watch a football game if one is on TV.
So, as we begin to make our way into another holiday season, I hope and pray this one is one of the very best for you, your family and anyone else you may happen to encounter, here on the Sunny Side.