I rarely look forward to this time of the year. In a way, it almost feels like the day right after Christmas. Both high school baseball and softball season are finished and it will be several weeks before football season begins. I still have a couple of sports banquets to look forward to, and those are always a treat. But the hectic staying late and juggling my time between numerous sports contests has temporarily come to a close.
Still, I feel incredibly blessed to be able to do what I do. I thoroughly enjoy athletic competition on any level, but especially with our local high school teams. I have the pleasure of watching the kids grow both as young athletes and as young men and women. There are times when I am able to build relationships with these young athletes, and I think I value that most of all. It really does become so much more than simply reporting scores and stats. I feel invested in these kids and, yes, I root for them to win. It does make me feel good whenever I see current and former student athletes somewhere around town and they address me as “Mr. Rick” and I am able to ask how they are doing with school, work, etc. It always made me chuckle when one particular football player would call me “Uncle Rick.” Although there was no real familial relation there, I could think of worse things to be called.
I know that a “real” sports journalist keeps his objective view and doesn't allow himself to develop a bias. However, I would much rather invest a part of myself in these kids and cheer for their success on and off the field than to become a truly unbiased “real” sports journalist. That doesn't mean that I won't report the scores as they are. When our local teams struggle and face defeat, I will report that without any “sugar coating.” That's part of the game, both on and off the field. At the same time, I will readily admit to the “lump in the throat” and the feeling of happiness when our local teams meet with success. Yes, I do come to love many of these kids.
So, for now, I will reacquaint myself with how the road back to my place looks in the daylight hours. I will still have the occasional local government meeting to fill some of my evenings. In the next few weeks, I will be able to take a peek at the summertime football workouts, which will provide a little something to fill a sports page. Of course, time will pass and soon, I will be able to once again watch our local student athletes doing what they enjoy doing. Until then, how long is it until football season?