For the past several months, whenever I would hear someone speak with dismay of the summertime heat, I would frequently say, “Well, it’s summertime. But October’s coming.” The past couple of mornings have felt a bit cooler and more comfortable than many mornings in July and August. Although it is far from “sweater weather,” the cooler mornings serve as a reminder that cooler days are not far away.
I happen to love the cooler days of autumn. I’m sure I will love my electric bill even more once the weather cools down a bit more. Lately, I have found myself paying closer attention to the air conditioner thermostats than in previous days.
I also love that Halloween is coming up. We already have Halloween decorations up around the office here. Although it has been quite a while since I have actually “dressed up” in any form of costume for Halloween, it is fun to watch some of the younger folks and marvel at their creativity in dressing for the occasion. Another extra benefit to this coming time of year is the added preponderance of good “monster movies” on TV. When I say “good” monster movies, I’m really referring to the “bad” monster movies, the ones where you can almost see the zipper on Godzilla’s back as he brings madness and mayhem to “Cardboard Tokyo.”
As we edge ever closer to the cooler days of autumn, remember, the only thing we can do about the weather is enjoy it. I hope you find a way to enjoy each day as it comes. If you can find a way to make at least one person laugh each day, you will have lived a very productive life. Be good, because, as you know, Santa Claus is watching.