I have never considered myself to be the “old fogey” type. I may not have always been the most “hip” person in the world and there's a good bit of modern technology that seems to escape me, but, by and large, I have always thought of myself as being pretty “up to date.” Recently, though, I find myself beginning to seriously question that assessment.
Perhaps it's a result of my environment, but I kind of like a lot of the “old fashioned” things. I love seeing the display of flags around the courthouse and the park here. I love the fact that there's a prayer before high school softball games here. I love the fact that we have coaches who are not afraid to have a prayer before a sporting event. I love even more that these same coaches have the freedom to have a prayer before a sporting event.
Now a days, I see some of the “progress” being made in terms of “culture” and I wonder if it's really progress being made or if it is going the other direction toward rotting and decay. I think of the professional baseball team, the Los Angeles Dodgers, and their decision to invite the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” to come “perform” at their stadium. If you aren't familiar with this group, trust me when I say you are not missing much. This group goes out if its way to offend and make a mockery of Christians. Their motto, “Go and sin some more,” pretty much sums it up for this vile and disgusting menagerie. I have never been a big Dodgers fan, except when they were playing the New York Yankees. Now I can honestly say that I will pull for the Yankees over the Dodgers any time (my fingers hurt just having to type that).
I am a big fan of the old Andy Griffith Show. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to work in and write about a town that much more closely resembles Mayberry than Los Angeles. I am grateful to be able to go to a local baseball game and simply enjoy a baseball game and have a hot dog without being subjected to the garbage (I hate to insult garbage) the folks in Los Angeles have to see when they go to a baseball game.
So, go ahead and call me “old fashioned” if you want. Considering much of the “new” I see in the world today, I will wear that moniker as a badge of honor.