Greetings everyone, welcome to the first Friday of this month. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like this year is going by at a rather quick pace? The heat of August certainly makes me look forward to the somewhat cooler temps of October. But until that time comes, here are some tid-bits for you to ponder as you go about your day (I do not claim all of these are necessarily “original,” but most have been tested on my long-suffering co-workers):
• There are more airplanes in the ocean than there are submarines in the sky.
• The word “short” is longer than the word “long.”
• You can fake being asleep, but you can’t fake being awake.
• Fire trucks are actually water trucks.
• If an undertaker dies, he’d still have to show up for work one more time.
• Firefly is the opposite of waterfall.
• If we never talked to strangers, we would never have friends.
• Larger people have more skin, therefore they are skinnier.
• Have you ever considered that perhaps dogs lick us because they know we have bones inside?
• If life is unfair to everyone, doesn’t that mean life is actually fair?
• Finally is pronounced “final-e,” while finale is pronounced “fi-nally.”
• “Do not touch” is probably one of the scariest things to read in braille.
• Your stomach probably thinks all potatoes are mashed.
• Do clothes in China just say, “Made down the road?”
• What was the first guy to ever milk a cow intending to do?
• If there was an earthquake on Mars, is it still an earthquake?
And one more, just for good measure: If a fly loses his wings, is he now called a walk? As you ponder these and other mysteries of the universe, I hope you take time to make at least one person smile or chuckle every day. If you can accomplish that, you will have definitely lived a productive life, here on the sunny side.