Most of you probably have realized by now that I tend to be a positive person. That is especially true when it comes to our weekly visits. As often as I can, I try to keep this time together on a positive note. I figure there’s enough “doom and gloom” out there already that I hardly need to add to that pile. However, you should also know that when something comes along which I feel strongly about, I often don’t hesitate to make my thought known, even though it may ruffle a feather or two along the way. Something happened recently that ruffled my feathers, and I am going to extend the feather-ruffling to anyone to whom it may apply.
During the course of my normal information sharing, I learned of an incident which resulted in injury. This incident involved a possible crime being committed, yet none of the possible witnesses to this potential criminal activity seemed to want to cooperate with law enforcement. I’ve heard of the whole “snitches get stitches” thing, and I guess I understand the cowardice of someone not wanting to put themselves into danger. However, I don’t understand that kind of cowardice when one’s identity can be kept confidential. If someone with information refuses to share that information out of a desire to simply not cooperate, seeing law enforcement as somehow “the enemy,” then that person is just as much a part of the problem of crime as the criminal they are attempting to “protect.” If we want to improve our communities, it falls on each of us to do our part to help those who are trying to improve our communities.
I may be “preaching to the choir” here, as I know most of you who are reading this are the ones who would do the right thing. Hopefully we can all help to keep things bright, here on the “Sunny Side.”