As any of my close associates can easily tell you, I am not a morning person. Fortunately, I do manage to make it up every morning and do what I need to do. I do love what I am allowed to do each day, but most mornings I wish 6:30 a.m. would come an hour later.
For the past several months I have depended on my phone to act as my alarm clock. It does an adequate job at waking me up at its instructed time. Like most alarm clocks, my phone has with it a convenient little button which can be pressed which will allow another nine minutes of slumber before it chimes with its pleasant little “wake up tune.” I do admit, most mornings, 6:30 a.m. turns into 6:39, then 6:48. At the 6:48 mark, I usually make myself slide the “point of no return” button over and actually get out of bed and begin my morning routine. There have been rare occasions wherein I have slid the “point of no return” button thinking it was the “snooze” button. That makes for a very dangerous, and thankfully rare, situation.
Then, there are those mornings when I have an extra incentive to rise and start (Even when I awake, I don’t start to “shine” until at least 9 a.m.). I won’t get into too much detail, other than to say one should never attempt to challenge the level of endurance of one’s bladder against one more ring of the “snooze alarm.”
No matter what prompts me to actually begin each day, I am grateful for the opportunity to do so. I hope each day in which you are able to wake up is a good one, here on the Sunny Side.