I remember back in the olden days, when we only had one TV channel to watch (One minor advantage to staying with my grandparents in Greenville was they could get two TV channels, channel 6 and channel 10), during the summer months all the prime time television shows would play re-runs. That was good if you had missed the show the first time around. It was also good sometimes if the episode being repeated was a particularly good one. Now, I enjoy watching TV channels that play nothing but old TV shows, so you could say all those shows are re-runs. That can pose some minor conflict when someone else in the room wants to watch “something from this century.” But I rarely “sweat the small stuff.”
I have a good friend who writes a frequent column for another publication. This friend is a very talented writer and has served as somewhat of an inspiration for me. I once asked him how he deals with the occasional “writer’s block” that hits all of us writers from time to time. He said, “I usually just choose an old column to run.” I freely admit that I have used that tactic myself, although I can assure you that this week’s visit is a “first-run original.”
I recently had one of my columns honored as second place in the “Humorous Column” category at the Florida Press Association Newspaper Awards. My dear friend and co-worker, Mickey Starling, took first place, and deservedly so. As it turns out, the column I had submitted was a re-run of a previous column. That should be proof enough that some folks can find something entertaining, even if it is a “re-run.” No matter if this is your first visit or a re-run, I hope you have a terrific day, here on the “sunny side.”