When I was in my younger days, I enjoyed reading the exploits of Dick Tracy in the comics of the newspaper. I loved the fact that the story lines would go for a couple of weeks until Dick Tracy and his crew finally cracked the case and put the bad guy behind bars, where he deserved to be. My dad and I would read each episode and often talk about what was happening and speculate about what we thought might happen next. Something I always thought was cool were the “two-way communicator” watches Dick Tracy and his crew had. Of course, at the time, this was practically science fiction.
Last weekend, as I was visiting my sister, I mentioned that I needed to get a watch. My sister had one of these “smart watches” that can tell you how far you’ve walked, your blood pressure, your blood glucose level, your temperature and probably your horoscope and lucky numbers, too. As fortune would have it, my sister had an extra that she had bought. She said, “would you like to have one?” Of course, I took her up on her generous offer. She found the watch and said “Happy early birthday.”
I have had fun with the watch these last few days. My blood pressure is a tad on the high side, but my blood glucose level is pretty good, although I would like for that to be a little lower. I’m supposed to be able to make phone calls on my watch, just like Dick Tracy (although they would be video phone calls, which I wouldn’t want anyway; usually, I wouldn’t want someone to be able to see me while I make a phone call). The watch even has this one unusual function that actually tells you what time it is.
Regardless of the time, I hope it’s a good time, here on the sunny side.