Rick Patrick
As I am writing this, there is a bit of uncertainty in the air. We have yet another storm heading our way. It is expected to be a major hurricane before all is said and done, although by the time you are reading this, the storm will have already passed. I said to someone earlier today that I feel our toughness is being tested. That may well be true. As I was on my way into work this morning, I was feeling a great deal of angst. A multitude of questions filled my mind. Where was I going to go? What about the cat? Am I going to have a home to return to when the storm passes? Then, I saw something that seemed to ease my mind a bit. I saw a line of bucket trucks making their way through town. The helpers are here, and more are on the way.
No matter what happens (or has happened), no matter how much the wind may howl, no matter how much the water may rise, the sun will come back out. We will begin to pick up pieces. We will begin to clear away the branches and debris. We will help one another. We will have others coming to help us. We will get back to work. That’s what we do.
Yes, our toughness is being tested and will continue to be tested. I also have faith that we will never be given a test that we cannot pass, we just may need a bit of help. I also know with every test of our toughness, we will again get stronger. Let’s all hang in there together. I know we’re tough enough for this one, too. We’ll be better for it on the Sunny Side again.