There are many things one learns when one is no longer living by one’s self. The subject of thermostat settings can be a source of fun and bewilderment. Of course, I am not speaking of anyone in particular. On the contrary, I am speaking in a much broader, general sense. In addition, I am not complaining about anyone or anything. The following is based purely on observations, without “judgement” of any kind attached.
I have noticed something curious in regards to what may be a “comfortable” temperature setting. I, myself, have a quite wide comfort range. I can be comfortable with a temperature anywhere from 65 degrees to 75 degrees. Add to that the fact that I am not opposed to putting on a sweater or a short sleeve shirt, and I can usually adapt to most temperatures rather easily. On the other side of that coin, I know individuals who have a “comfort range” of between 73.2 degrees and 74.8 degrees. It baffles me that for some, during the summer, a setting of anything above 73 degrees is unbearably hot. Yet, during the winter months, when the exterior temperature tends to be on the cooler side, anything below 80 degrees brings fear of freezing to death, or at least a severe case of hypothermia.
I really never paid much attention to these matters until I began to turn into my father. I even heard myself say, “We can’t air condition the entire world,” when the notion of opening windows while leaving the air conditioner on was suggested as a way of more efficiently cooling the house.
No matter how warm or cool you choose to keep your living space, I hope that space is filled with happiness and good stuff, and always stays on the sunny side.