I don't like to get into a whole lot of politics here. Primarily because I know that most of you who will agree with me will still agree with me. Those of you who won't agree with me, still won't agree with me. There's no reason everyone has to agree with me. People are perfectly free to be wrong if they wish (that's a bit of humor, in case some folks don't recognize that).
With the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. making it official that he wants to continue residing at that address, he has made it clear how he wants to approach convincing people to vote for him. He's going to call people “MAGA extremists.” I have a question. What's wrong with taking a “MAGA” mindset, especially when you stop to think about what “MAGA” means? Of course, MAGA is an acronym for “Make America Great Again.” So, does it mean that those who use the term “MAGA” as some sort of insult are people who are opposed to making America great again?
Personally, I would love to see this country great. I tend to view this country as being the “good guys” and I think the world is better off when this country is doing well. I have no doubt that this country is better off (and consequently the people in this country) when this country is doing well. However, for some strange reason, there are people in charge who don't like for this country to do well. At the same time, they don't like for the people in this country to do well. How else can you explain some of the things that have happened over the last couple of years?
Intentionally hurting people by making gas more expensive does little to make this country great. Intentionally hurting people by allowing criminals to steal and destroy does little to make this country great. Intentionally hurting people by allowing other people who are not interested in following our rules bring drugs that kill and destroy lives does little to make this country great. However, that is exactly what has happened over the last couple of years.
I can't say exactly who will get my vote next November, but I can promise you this. I will vote for the person who will be interested in improving this country and hopefully making it great again; not the person who is dead set on hurting and destroying this country. You can make your own decision. Are you going to help make America great again, or just the opposite? That's the way it looks over here on the sunny side.