Rick Patrick
The mid-summer celebration, known as “Independence Day,” or the Fourth of July, is filled with fireworks, outdoor cook-outs and much summertime fun. It is well known that the day celebrates the occasion when 56 brave patriots chose to basically commit treason by declaring the 13 British Colonies “ought to be Free and Independent States.” Although the basic story behind the birth of the United States is probably well known, there are some trivia facts surrounding the Fourth of July that some may find interesting. Some of these are:
• Three U.S. presidents have died on the Fourth of July. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on the same day, July 4, 1826, 50 years after the ratification of the Declaration of Independence. James Monroe died on July 4, 1831.
• One U.S. President was born on the Fourth of July. Calvin Coolidge was born on July 4, 1872.
• Hot dogs are believed to be the most consumed food on the Fourth of July, approximately 150 million.
• Thomas Jefferson was the first U.S. President to celebrate the Fourth of July in the White House, in 1801.
• The nation’s first Independence Day celebration was held in Philadelphia, in 1777.
• The Liberty Bell, which is located in Philadelphia is rung 13 times each Independence Day.
• The estimated population of the United States was 2.5 million people on July 4, 1776.
• The American Pyrotechnics Association estimates more than 14,000 fireworks displays light up the sky every Independence Day.
• The old farm saying, “knee high by the Fourth of July” refers to the idea that if your corn crop is that tall by July, you were in for a good crop.
• The Continental Congress actually voted to accept the Declaration of Independence on July 2, 1776. It was announced two days later. John Adams, one of the signers and the second President of the United States believed July 2 would be the day remembered and celebrated. The formal signing of the Declaration of Independence did not take place until Aug. 2.
Everyone here at Greene Publishing, Inc. wishes every one of you a safe and happy Independence Day. Let us all stop for a moment and reflect on the sacrifices so many have made for the freedoms we all enjoy.