On Wednesday, Oct. 28, Grace Presbyterian Church will hold their 25th Fall Bible Conference. This year, the conference will cover theology and life with Dr. Gordon Reed leading the services. Dr. Reed began this Conference in 1991 and has faithfully come each year since to bring inspiring and enlightening messages from God’s Word. The theme of the messages this year will be: “Christ our Savior and Example for Life” taken from the book of Philippians. Pastor Gary Cox says, “Why do I call it a conference on ‘theology and life?’ Because, whether we realize it or not, our theology (what we truly believe) always impacts our life (how we live). It forms our world view or certainly should. The more we know our God (the word ‘theology’ means ‘the study of God’) the more we will know how we are to please Him and bring glory to Him.” The service will begin at 7 p.m. A covered dish supper will be held in the Fellowship Hall before the service at 6 p.m. Dr. Gordon K. Reed was raised in western North Carolina and attended Columbia Seminary in Atlanta.
After marrying Miriam Clark and graduating, he began what would become decades of pastoral ministry in many churches, large and small. In between, he has served in several positions within the Presbyterian Church in America and as a seminary professor for Reformed Theological Seminary. He has also written several books, but Gordon’s heart has remained in bringing God's word to God's people. Gordon is now involved in Reasonable Hope Ministry at www.reasonablehope.com, which provides audio and text files of his sermons in sincere hope that they will give individuals a clearer understanding of God and His will in life. They are neither ivory-tower dissertations nor flights of dramatic oratory. They are simple, direct explanations of the truth of God's word. Jesus said that the truth would set us free. The public is warmly invited to attend any and all services of the Conference on Theology and Life. Please come and be blessed by the messages and the fellowship. The church is located at 688 N. Washington in Madison.