Mickey Starling
On Thursday, May 27, Lee Jones, Greenville town manager, was the guest speaker for the Kiwanis Club's weekly meeting. Jones discussed how he came about taking the job in Greenville after spending several years working in the banking industry. “I felt a call in my heart for a greater purpose,” said Jones. “I want to help Greenville become the best version of itself and go beyond its former glory.”
Some of the current improvements that Jones touted, which he referred to as “Greenville 2.0,” were the new grocery store, which is slated to open near the end of the year; park renovations; new basketball and pickleball courts; a housing development; a mattress factory, which has already employed over 50 people, with another 50 expected to be hired later; and the community is seeking funding for a future farmer's market. “We have a lot we hope to accomplish,” said Jones.
After his speech, Jones opened the floor for questions from the audience. Healthy Start Executive Director Donna Hagan stated that she could “almost hear the angels singing” while Jones was laying out his plans for the future of Greenville, but she stated that there must be a written plan for such goals to become a reality. “Who is the 'we' you are referring to in order to make this happen,” asked Hagan. “I'm the second largest employer in Greenville, and it's nice to meet you.” Jones, who has been in his new position since January, commutes from Jacksonville several days a week and had not yet met Hagan.
Others questioned Jones as to why the town council meetings were still closed to the public. He responded that the council was looking into locating a larger facility for holding meetings opened to the public.