Churches and businesses throughout Madison County are preparing to celebrate the holidays in a variety of ways. Greene Publishing, Inc. is providing a special calendar for holiday activities you might wish to participate in. If your organization has special activities that need sharing with the community, send the info to
December 7
Get into the Christmas spirit at Main Street Playhouse on Friday, Dec. 7, featuring an evening of live music and drama entertainment. Beginning at 7:30 p.m., enjoy seasonal Christmas music from Christian and Drew Schmoe, with vocalist Kiley Thompson. Instrumental performances will be provided by Mike and Sandi Dorsey, Sally Johnson and Emily Wall. Students from the Madison Creative Arts Academy drama class, as well as members of the RATT pact will also provide special entertainment. Tickets are $10 per person and the event is being produced by Jessica Webb. For more information, log onto or call (850) 464-4010. Main Street Playhouse is located at 172 SW Range Ave., in Madison.
December 8
Santa, Cider and Stories at Sunrise will take place on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 12 p.m. until 3 p.m., at Sunrise Coffee Shop. You can take advantage of their beautiful decor to capture some holiday memories with a photo with Santa and up to 12 friends or family. The $6 tickets must be purchased by Thursday, Dec. 6. Included in the price is a beverage, medium bakery treat and the photo. For more information, call (850) 973-1381.
December 8
On Saturday, Dec. 8, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., the Madison Church of Christ, located at 199 NE Range Avenue, in Madison, will sponsor a morning of family fun and cookie decorating for children of all ages. Cookies, icing and sprinkles will be provided. We invite all to come join us at the Church of Christ fellowship hall.
December 8
St. John's Missionary Baptist Church will be hosting a Beast Feast on Saturday, Dec. 8., at 6 p.m. You are invited to bring a covered dish of whatever you can catch, kill and cook. Along with enjoying these delicacies from the wild, there will be lots of games, drawings and fellowship for the whole family to enjoy. The guest speaker for the night is Pastor Robbie Harrington, of Calvary Baptist Church, in Lake Park. Harrington is an avid sportsman and a dynamic speaker that you don't want to miss. St. John's Missionary Baptist Church is located at 5905 NW Lovett Rd., in Greenville.