With the holidays upon us we all look forward to the cheer this time of year. Office parties, family gatherings, out of town guests and children out of school are all part of the fun. However, all this fun sets many of us up for weight gain. If you exercise regularly, you may have to skip the gym occasionally. If you eat a low carb diet, you may be concerned that holiday food is higher in sugar and starch. No one wants to be on a “diet” during the holidays, and no one has to be. With a little planning and paying attention to details, you don’t have to be overly concerned with weight gain. The following tips will help you stay lean and healthy without making you feel like you are sacrificing your holiday cheer. Keep your body burning fat by limiting carbohydrates, like sugars and starches, after lunchtime. Instead, fill up on fibrous veggies, good fats and protein during the later part of the day. Stay away from sugar as much as possible. Instead of having sugary, carb loaded foods daily, save up for the special occasions. And remember, your body treats alcohol like a sugar, too, so limit yourself during those gleeful parties. Sip green tea during the earlier hours before lunch. It contains catechins, which increase metabolism and help you burn fat naturally. Get plenty of sleep. The holidays are busy, but skimping on sleep decreases metabolism. Drink lots of water. You may find that you are actually dehydrated instead of hungry. Exercise as often and as regularly as possible during this busy time of year. You may not have time to get in a full hour, but 20 to 30 minutes can be just as beneficial if you hit it fast and hard. Try mixing cardio in with your strength training or take a brisk walk following lunch or dinner. Any exercise is better than none at all. Stay positive and laugh much. The holidays can be stressful and stress causes an increase in cortisol, a hormone responsible for causing retention of body fat around the belly. Keep your circle tight and stay around positive people that make you laugh. Laughter lowers stress hormones. For women, especially, carbohydrates can be the most fulfilling, yet most filling and fattening, form of nutrition we can consume. Remember this: CARBS ARE NOT THE ENEMY….but they can be if they are not controlled. If you’re like me and you love your carbs, you have to time them accurately if you are trying to lose weight or maintain a particular weight and shape (notice I said “shape,” not size). Carbohydrates boost energy, help fuel muscle tissue growth and recovery, and satisfy hunger. But taking in too many leads to weight gain and feeling sluggish. Timing is everything! Fast digesting carbs, like sugary things, should be consumed earlier in the day. These carbs provide quick energy and need to be burned quickly, primarily because they spike insulin levels. Taking in something sugary prior to a workout is okay, as long as it is within reason. Slow digesting carbs, such as oatmeal or brown rice, provide energy at a slower rate and do not run the risk of spiking insulin levels. Take these in earlier in the day for sustained energy and to burn them off before becoming sedentary. Fibrous carbs are green things. Veggies, veggies, veggies! You can eat several servings a day. If you love them, they can be your guilty pleasure. But if you aren’t a huge fan of asparagus, kale, broccoli or spinach, you might find these more troublesome to consume the necessary amount. The mantra here is TRY! Pair them with a protein you love. I often pair green veggies with spicy chicken, grilled fish or beef, lamb or bison, and in Asian, Italian or Middle Eastern dishes. The moral to take home here is CONSUME CARBOHYDRATES IN VERY CONSERVATIVE AMOUNTS! Fats and proteins, in conjunction with one another, do not add fat and fluff to our hips, thighs and waistlines. Sugars and worthless carbs are the culprit. They are not necessarily the enemy, but too many of them can be exactly that... too many. And too many carbs store as fat on our girlish figures!
By: Jennifer Baxter