Emerald G. Parsons: Greene Publishing, Inc.
Parents: Here's an opportunity to get a photo made of your child or children, and have the photo appear in the newspaper, at no cost or obligation. There is no age limit for the children either.
Interpress Studios, a professional and mobile photography team, will be in Madison on Tuesday, March 27, and will set up shop from 4 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., at the Madison Masonic Lodge, located on the corner of Rutledge St. and Range St.
The studio will take the children's photos – maybe even a family portrait if you desire, although the latter is not eligible for inclusion in the newspaper – and in about three weeks, the Madison County Carrier will feature the children's photos under the heading of “Tomorrow's Leaders.”
Returning this year is the popular contest for the “Most Photogenic Baby Under One Year of Age.” The winner will receive a FREE 8x10 canvas print. An appointment for the sitting is not required but highly encouraged. To schedule an appointment, call Emerald G. Parsons at (850) 464-0865.