James Madison Preparatory High School is sponsoring a Mardi Gras themed color run 5K scheduled for Feb. 6.
The run will be raising funds for the renovation of the chemistry and Biology lab as well as funds to open up educational opportunities, such as field trips, for students.
The registration of $25 will be open until the day of the race, but a free t-shirt is given to anyone who registers before Jan. 26.
Registration continues past Jan. 26 up until the day of the race and can be done at the school or online at www.EventBrite.com (Those interested can type “Madison, Fl” into the search bar, and the 5K will show up in the options).
If you don't make the deadline of Jan. 26, you can still register at the school or the race for $35, but you will have to pick up your free t-shirt from the school two weeks after the race.
Mardi Gras beads will be available during the race and free hot dogs will be served afterwards.
Field categories are kid (12 and under), youth (13-17), men (18+) and women (18+).
The location of the Mardi Gras 5K has been moved to the running trail adjacent to Valdosta Highway and the time of the race is still from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
For more information, call the school at 253-2173, or email K.wilder@jmphs.org.