The issue that Congress addressed in recent weeks was Fiscal 2016 Defense Authorization, CFTC Operations, Police Body Cameras, Fiscal 2016 Transportation-HUD Appropriations and Meat Labeling. Following are the corresponding votes from Senators Bill Nelson, Senator Marco Rubio and House Representative Gwen Graham, of the 2nd Congressional District, and Congressman Ted Yoho, of the 3rd Congressional District.
In the Senate: Fiscal 2016 Defense Authorization – Cloture: The Senate voted 56-40, with four not voting to reject a motion to invoke cloture on amendment no. 1569, as modified, to substitute amendment no. 1463 that would require several national security entities to develop and promulgate procedures to promote the timely sharing of classified and declassified cyber threat indicators between government and the private sector. Nelson voted yes. Rubio did not vote.
In the House: CFTC Operations – Passage: The House voted 246-171 with 15 not voting to pass a bill that would reauthorize operations of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) through fiscal 2019 and amend the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act to modify and clarify how the CFTC is to regulate derivatives and swaps. The bill would make numerous changes to CFTC operations. Graham voted yes. Yoho voted yes. Fiscal 2016 Transportation-HUD Appropriations: The House voted 216-210 with seven not voting to pass a bill that would appropriate $108.7 billion in fiscal 2016, including $55.3 billion in discretionary spending, for the departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development and related agencies. Graham voted yes. Yoho voted yes. Police Body Cameras – Passage: The House voted 421-6 with one present and five not voting to pass a motion to suspend the rules and adopt a resolution that would recognize the potential for the use of body-worn cameras by on-duty law enforcement officers to improve community relations, increase transparency and protect. Graham voted yes. Yoho voted yes. Meat Labeling – Passage: The House voted 300-131 with two not voting to pass a bill that would repeal U.S. country of origin labeling requirements for beef, pork and chicken that is sold in the United States. Graham voted yes. Yoho voted yes.
Fiscal 2016 Defense Appropriations – Passage: The House voted 278-149 with six not voting to pass a bill that would provide $578.6 billion in discretionary funding for the Defense department in fiscal 2016. The total would include $490.2 billion in base Defense department funds and $88.4 billion for the Overseas Contingency Operations account, and would provide that $37.5 billion in OCO funding be used in support of base budget requirements. Graham voted yes. Yoho voted yes. There is one upcoming vote for the Senate. The Fiscal 2016 Defense Authorization (H.R. 1314) is a bill that would reauthorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.
There are three upcoming votes for the House. The Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (H.R.2596) is a bill that would authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government, the Community Management Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for other purposes. The Medicare Advantage Coverage Transparency Act of 2015 (H.R.2505) is a bill that would amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to require the annual reporting of data on enrollment in Medicare Advantage plans. The Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act (H.R.1190) is a bill that would repeal the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act providing for the Independent Payment Advisory Board.