The faucet in our kitchen has three different settings, all of which shoot water from different holes. I quickly clicked the button back and forth between settings, shooting water all over the place. For weeks now, there has been a spider making a web from the base of the faucet to the squirter nozzle every night. Each morning, he has been there on the nozzle, just hanging out.
Determined to make him move on this particular morning, I tried everything I could to wash him down the drain, but the little fellow kept dodging all the streams. In fact, it was like a little spider version of “The Matrix” going on under those ever-changing streams of water.
I decided to research what it would take to drown a spider, just to see what my odds were on this venture. Apparently, a common spider can live about an hour totally submerged before he succumbs to drowning. Who knew? A little squirt in the face wasn’t going to be enough to kill this fellow.
Learning this information gave me a new respect for this ambitious arachnid. He was resilient. And a little water wasn’t going to knock him down.
I’ve felt a bit like I was drowning this week. Lots of living in the what-ifs and maybes instead of residing in what is. Frustrations with my body not cooperating like I want it to. So many other distractions coming at me from all sides.
But then, I thought about this little spider learning to maneuver the sprays of water. Daily, he reconstructs his broken web and makes his home in the line of fire.
I need to take a lesson from that little guy. Rebuild each morning. Refocus. Re-joy. Because, for whatever reason, I’m stuck on the nozzle, in the way of intense water sprays. But I can’t give up. I can’t let go. Gotta keep dodging and surviving.
Thank you, little spider, for the reminder to keep trying.
For more from Christy, email her at or follow her @christybassadams on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.