Each week, I look at my calendar and plan this in for my mental health. Not only is it good for my mental and emotional well-being, but physically, my body is growing stronger and healthier. And don’t forget how many wonderful conversations I have with those who also attend. We share our lives and have a bond I cannot explain.
So, what am I talking about? Pickleball! The sport that is quickly gaining traction across the United States and even overseas. Kind of like tennis, a little bit like badminton, a smidge of table tennis, all wrapped up with elements of racquetball.
This weekend, I had the great privilege of competing in the Valdosta Pickleball Tournament: Titletown Throwdown. Over 180 folks signed up to chase that little neon yellow ball around on that court, and I’m pretty sure all of us are feeling most of our lesser-known muscles in extreme ways as a result of that day of hard play.
But here’s what I loved about this tournament and is often true no matter where I find to play: I always make new friends. Even when we got our paddles handed to us on a platter and lost to a competing team, there was comradery. Kindness. No bragging. When the opposing team smacked a gorgeous drive down the middle that we missed, we told them what a great shot they made. If we ran across the court or fired back a shot that caught the other team off guard, they, in turn, affirmed us as well. Even in the end, as we played for Bronze and my team won, we stood around and talked to the very worthy opposing team and they invited us to come play with them anytime. Such great sportsmanship. And new friendships that will only grow from here.
I’m so thankful for this wonderful sport and the great friends I’ve made and continue to make (you all know who you are). I want to encourage everyone out there to give it a try. But, even if you don’t, I want to challenge you to at least look at your week and add some activities to promote better mental, emotional, and physical health. Maybe it’s something you already do, like walking or biking. Consider inviting a friend to join you. Maybe you want to try aerobics or Zumba. Don’t wait. I guarantee your body and mind will thank you, and once those endorphins start firing like they should, your emotions will be grateful as well.
What will you be adding to your calendar this week?
For more from Christy, email her at christyadams008@gmail.com or follow her @christybassadams on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.