I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about the hard workers at Bible camp two weeks ago. They weren’t just hard workers, they were willing, consistent, and intentional. No one in charge had to “ride herd”. If a person needed help or had a question, they took the initiative to find it. When the task was too big, they sought out people with the knowledge to accomplish the task. No competition. No overcompensating. Just an honest, humble desire to offer what they had in service to God for the benefit of the camp.
Like a clock. Even when no one is watching a clock, the cogs and mechanisms continue to do their job at a consistent, intentional pace. We depend on the clock to perform its given job and when the clock fails to work, we lose pace.
The Body of Christ functions in a similar fashion. All parts working together, offering their own unique gifting in service for God. There are no insignificant gifts. There are no unimportant roles. Like organs in the human body, every member of the Body of Christ is vital.
Sadly, though, we often allow our stinkin’ thinkin’ to rule our minds. We see ourselves as “nobodies” or “lacking” in areas compared to others. This downward spiral leaves us stuck in our tracks with no forward momentum. While we think we are “doing the world a favor” by “not getting in the way” or whatever other lie we’ve convinced ourselves of, we are leaving a giant hole in the Body of Christ and the work is not being accomplished at a consistent, intentional pace.
Walking with Christ and being a part of His bigger mission is not about us—it’s about Him. We offer ourselves and become available, willing, and ready. Sometimes, like a clock, we tick away behind the scenes with our obedience only being seen by God. Other times, we are working together with a team and our efforts are noticed by others. Either scenario keeps the clock working.
Whether we understand our role or not, that doesn’t determine the importance of each of our individual assignments. All the pieces of the clock are important. If one wheel or cog is broken, the pace is lost. We are the Body. The clock. Intentional. Consistent. Working together. Not competing. Seamless. Cohesive. All to achieve His purpose.
Are you offering your piece? We need you.
For more from Christy, email her at christyadams008@gmail.com or follow her @christybassadams on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.