When I taught elementary school, there were many lessons I delivered with passion. I instructed. They practiced. The activity then became a center in the class rotation for the week. Then, after much supervised instruction in class, I intentionally sent homework in their folders to reinforce the new skill. And finally, after several days, it was test time.
For a teacher, testing created an opportunity to measure my teaching ability of that particular skill. Yes, the students earned grades, but the test also exposed weak and strong areas in my teaching performance. If all my students showed proficiency, or at least the majority, I knew my job was done well. However, there were some tests that the entire class bombed. If everyone, including my more proficient students, performed poorly, I quickly knew I did not teach the skill well enough. It was time for a re-do.
They had already done it one time, but there was something that happened in the process of learning the skill that caused the understanding to wane. A disconnect occurred somewhere. We needed to try again.
Our pastor referenced Psalm 51 in his sermon, and I was reminded of the line, “Restore the joy of your salvation.” The funny part was as our pastor mentioned this line, he slipped and said, “Re-joy.”
Re-joy is exactly what some of us need to experience in our lives. We already had joy at one time, but there was something that happened in the process of doing life that caused our joy to wane. A disconnect occurred somewhere. We needed to try again.
Joy-killers are on every corner. They come in the form of distraction, stress, sickness, fear, grief, anxiety, depression, change, sadness, hardship, rebellion, and addiction. These joy-killers often sneak in under unassuming cloaks, only slowly showing their joyless streaks.
We think we are handling life well and situations are running smoothly. We even applied joy when times got tough and we were able to keep our heads in the game.
But for some reason, it’s harder this time. We are in the middle of the assignment and even though we thought we understood, we are struggling. We get many tries. Many attempts at doing things the right way. But, for whatever reason, when life’s test comes, we come up short.
It’s time for re-joy. But joy isn’t something we can muster all on our own. We must remember God’s faithfulness in all our past storms. Recall his goodness in our lives. Rehearse the truths we know and stand on. Then we pray, “God, restore my joy.”
Do you need a redo in the joy department? Are the joy-killers coming in from every side? Maybe it’s time for some re-joy.
Dear God, remind me of all the times you were present and performed mightily in my life on my behalf. Help me recall all the goodness and blessings you’ve brought into my life. I’m going to rehearse all the truths I know about you and your faithfulness. God, I ask that you then restore to me the joy of your salvation in my heart, soul, and mind. Amen.
For more from Christy, email her at christyadams008@gmail.com or follow her @christybassadams on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.