Since I’ve been asked to speak on September 22-23, at St. John’s Baptist Church in Greenville, about the various lemons life throws at us, each week I’m going to focus on one of the lemons we’ll be discussing. By the way, I am beyond excited for this opportunity, and if you are interested in being a part, please contact St. John’s at: or email me at my address below.
The topic of the weekend is When Life Gives You Lemons. This week, I want to talk about the multitasker mom. This overcommitted female has her hands full doing everything. Meals, cleaning, shopping, planning, managing, chauffeuring, loving, hugging, mending, nurturing, refereeing and doctoring. Not to mention schools, extracurricular activities, homework, bedtime, lunches, prayers, friends, playdates, church, pets and so many other things. I grew tired just writing the list.
But the reality is, the multitasker mom is pulled in so many directions that most of the time, she doesn’t make time for herself. Everyone else in her household comes first and her needs get placed on the backburner. The danger of this action is the emotions pile up in a pushed-away corner. Time alone doesn’t happen, and spiritual maintenance is also pushed aside. Going through the motions seems easier than opening the mess of emotions and her eyesight becomes blurry as she looks through the glasses of comparison and perfection. Nothing is ever good enough and no amount of exertion will ever meet, much less exceed, her expectations.
Soon, this mom wears out. She can’t keep up with the other moms. And the voices in her head berate her constantly. Lies move to the forefront and before long, she can’t stay focused. Her carefully constructed world begins to fall apart, and she looks to other people and things to try to fill the emptiness she continually feels. The lemon of being a multitasker mom has squeezed her and brought so many fears, doubts, and worries to the surface. Will she ever be enough?
That’s when Jesus reaches out his hand and invites the multitasker mom to a moment of pause. Silence. Rest. In that moment, he whispers “You are enough because I am enough.” All the tears of pent-up emotions let loose and this mom rests in the loving arms of her gracious Savior. He gently reminds her that doing all the things for all the wrong reasons is exhausting. He alone is the reason for her existence and if she will try to honor Him first, He will help her with all the rest. She doesn’t have to do it alone. Ever. He will always be with her if she will simply surrender the reins and let Him take the lead. Words like balance, moderation, rest and self-care resonate through her mind and heart.
There is hope for this drowning mom. There is balance. And the unrealistic expectations she has set for herself can be toned down a notch or two. She can make time for friends. As a matter of fact, she needs to. And, as for that spiritual growth, she can add a few minutes of time in the morning and just before bed for preparation and reflection.
Now, when she gets squeezed by life, the juice will taste so much sweeter. Yes, tired mama, there is hope. There is always hope.
For more from Christy, email her at or follow her @christybassadams on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.