For those of you who have been following my stories, before we left for our mission trip to Alaska, I told the boys we could get a kitten after we returned home. I think Daniel expected there to be a cat on the back stoop when we got home, because he was incredibly disappointed that we were home and there was no kitten.
Every day for a week, my kids accused me of not looking for a kitten. Now, I was searching on Facebook Marketplace, but not wholeheartedly. Finally, we discovered a family in our church had kittens, so I called a meeting with my kids and announced we would indeed be getting not only one kitten, but two. The boys were beyond ecstatic.
We converted the laundry room into a temporary cat dwelling, and we are slowly acclimating them to country life outside. They are still too little to leave alone outside at night, but we are making them daytime, front porch dwellers.
Today, I sat at my computer working on a project in the living room, when I heard the little white kitten meowing like crazy on the porch. I jumped up to check on her and she quickly ran back and forth between my feet purring. Reaching down, I pet her, picked her up, and consoled her. Honestly, I think she called to see if I’d come.
She needs to know I can be trusted. That when she meows loudly, I will turn a listening ear. Puff, the little white kitty, simply wants to feel secure in our new relationship. Just like I desire with God.
When I call out to God, I need to know he can be trusted. That when I cry loudly, he will turn his listening ear. I need to feel secure in our relationship. Just like our new, little kitty wants to feel with me.
The more Puff meows and I respond, the better our relationship will become. The more I call out to God, and watch him show up and respond, the deeper our relationship will grow.
But if I don’t call out, I won’t recognize when he’s answering. If I’m not praying specifically, I will miss the answers he wants to give me that are right on time and specific to me. Ultimately, I’ll miss him reaching down, picking me up, and consoling me like only my Father in heaven can.
Are you practicing your call this week? Are you waiting on him to show up and answer? Don’t miss him because you failed to call.
For more from Christy, email her at or follow her @christybassadams on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.