Lady? Let me tell you something about the deputies you so very much despise.
I’ve been with, and have dealt with Deputies, Police, FBI, ATFE, for the greater part of my life. I watched a big burley cop, we all know the kind, cry openly. This cop was carrying a three-year-old child out of the home she had been tortured and finally killed in. The little girl had been at the emergency room two weeks prior for having cuffs midway to her elbows. Cuffs are “cop speak” for submersing the baby’s hands in boiling water, making the skin pink and puffy to the watermark. The mother was upset with her child for soiling her diapers; the child’s loving father killed her for the same reason. The cop was the little girl’s neighbor.
I watched a cop breathing through his mouth, and not from his nose, in order to prevent himself from puking. The stench from a young girl’s bloated and fast rotting body had to be pulled out the ditch she had been thrown in, nine days earlier. The hot Florida June sun in St. Augustine had done its job, on the sixteen-year-old. The sixteen-year-old girl played baseball with this cop’s daughter.
I watched a cop reach out through a fence and pat a young man’s shoulder bent on suicide. This cop begged him not to pull the trigger. I spoke with that cop shortly after the incident, his shoulders bent and full of agony. The young man had pulled the trigger, ending his life.
I watched a cop and his wife, while getting a divorce; the young and devoted wife just couldn’t take it anymore … the long hours away from home, duty calls at all hours of the night became more than she could bare. The cop? Well, he was devoted to his job. This cop told me he couldn’t and didn’t know how to do anything else, that was his calling.
I have many more of these stories to tell, but let’s get to the real story. Ms. Hagan, obviously you have no idea as to what you are saying or you’re not very brilliant. Gangsters/Criminals have everything going for them. They choose the time, and place, to commit the crime. The cop has to figure out what happened and who did the crime; then comes the problem. The cop has to arrest this Gangster; well the Gangster doesn’t like that idea, and raises hell drawing a crowd. Then all hell breaks loose, as all bystanders must get in on the melee. Then, according to you Ms. Hagan, the deputy becomes a “Gangster.”
Ms. Hagan, most cops think as I do, “I’m going home tonight.” It takes quite some work to take this oxygen thief to jail, and no matter what it takes, that pond scum is going to jail. And Ms. Hagan you call the deputy a Gangster? Perhaps you, Ms. Hagan, should ride with one of our deputies some day and see some of the crap they must put up with. That is, if you could find a deputy that would allow you to ride with him/her. I certainly wouldn’t. Ask the people at Dixon High School about their SRO that stopped a massacre. As for pay? I suppose that depends on whose life they save Ms. Hagan?
George Pouliotte