You know I have two points in this letter to the editor. First is with Covid-19. Remember way back at the beginning of this virus when President Trump was accused of being a racist and a xenophobe for imposing a travel ban between the United States and China from which this virus originated, in case you have forgotten. The claim was "All hands on deck, and we are all in this together". Wow have things changed. Now all you hear is one side has a plan to either control or eradicate the virus. If this is true, then if we are all in this together and it is not a partisan issue then why does one side seem to be trying to use this crisis for political gain and not going public with their so-called "Plan". Think about it.
My second point. I'm not much into believing the polls one way or another. There are too many variables to make them accurate. That said I heard one poll last week that asked the people surveyed if they were better off now than they were four years ago. 59% responded that they were better off than they were four years ago. Of that 59%, 65% said they were undecided on the presidential election. Really, I don't claim to be the smartest person but I do have a lot of common sense. To me it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out, if you are better off now than you were four years ago, then why on earth would you want to go back? Or for that matter maybe worse.
James F. VanHorn
US Navy, Retired
Madison, Florida