History --- what happened in the past ---- cannot be undone. We learn from it and we should embrace it because it teaches us something.
Every action, every confrontation, every mistake, every name --- the good, the bad and the ugly. We need to be reminded of it and our children need to be told about it so they, too, can learn from it. The removing and tearing down of symbols and statues is just another senseless mistake. History cannot be erased or undone. It is foolish to think that it would bring a change for the better.
People are going to have different views and opinions when they see these reminders of the past because we all come from different cultural and social backgrounds. If we try to abolish all signs of the past, there won't be anything left to teach or talk about.
We are all God's children, although we are all different. But, the fact that we were all created in His image gives us a sense of unity that we should all cling to. Rise up and believe in the good in people for a better future for our children. Believe in the foundational biblical principles that our country has been built on. Believe in goodness and practice love and kindness towards our neighbors and families.
Believe in right and wrong, without twisting the truth for personal gain. If all people, no matter their background, would believe in law and order, believe in working for what they need or want and respect those in authority, there would be far less disagreements or confrontations.
Our nation has one of the best judicial systems in the world. Yes, people make mistakes and there is always room for improvement in all aspects of governing. But, to think that doing away with law enforcement is going to improve our way of life is one of the most foolish thoughts ever. Just as children have a basic need for safety, guidance and correction, so adults also need a sense of safety in the knowledge that help is available when trouble lurks.
Otherwise, everything evil will be unleashed and cause nothing but chaos and confusion. Truly believe in one nation under God. Believe in and support your community and your country because it's a good one.
Look for guidance and wisdom in the one and only true instruction manual that has been in print for over 500 years. It has not been changed or added to or been taken away from because it is His story.
Happy birthday, America. Happy 4th of July, Madison County and may God bless all of its people. I have only been a citizen for two years, but I am so proud to be one of "We the people."
Christine Peters