Local resident Stephanie Thigpen needs faith and help from her community in her battle against brain cancer. Surgery was performed in late August, and the tumor was removed successfully, but with the type of cancer, other treatments are necessary. On top of additional treatment(s), Thigpen will also have to spend several weeks in physical therapy. She is currently in rehab. Thigpen and her family face a steep hill of medical expenses and need all the help they can. Her husband, Bryant, will be out of work for an unknown amount of time while caring for his wife and their son, Tripp. Thankfully, a medical expense fund has been set up at Madison County Community Bank, where donations can be made by depositing funds straight into the designated account. A “Go Fund Me” account has also been created on gofundme.com. Any help that can be provided to this family would be greatly appreciated. Prayer, faith and a little bit of generosity can go a long way.
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1.Stephanie and Bryant Thigpen