Ramsey Sullivan
Lori McCoy has been serving the Tallahassee, Wakulla and Monticello areas as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist for over 20 years. Now, along with Angela Hagan, of Madison, she brings her business, Lori McCoy Therapy, LLC, to Madison County. Lori McCoy Therapy, LLC works with children ages 0-18 in need of Occupational Therapy.
Lori McCoy Therapy, LLC provides services in the natural environment. A natural environment for Occupational Therapy can include a child's home, school or daycare. The reason using a natural environment is beneficial for children is because it teaches adults how to help a child in their everyday environment.
Occupational Therapy can benefit children with all types of conditions, such as: autism spectrum disorders, cancer, cerebral palsy, cleft palate, congenital heart disease, developmental delay, failure to thrive, feeding and swallowing disorders, genetic disorders/birth defects, orthopedic injuries or surgery, sensory integration disorders, Torticollis, Tracheostomy and/or Ventilator Dependency or any condition that affects a child's growth and development.
"We go in and look at what the child needs help with, we don't define a child by their diagnosis," said McCoy.
Lori McCoy Therapy, LLC is a provider with Early Steps, Head Start, Humana, Lighthouse, Sunshine, Children's Medical Services and Staywell. They accept Gardiner Scholarship and private pay as well. It is their goal to maximize children's potential through individualized therapy programs by putting a strong emphasis on focusing on the child, not their disability.
Lori McCoy Therapy, LLC helps children in a variety of ways, such as improving visual motor and visual perceptual skills including handwriting and coloring; promoting independence in daily living skills including dressing, grooming and self-feeding; fine motor and eye and hand coordination skills; facilitating developmental skills and play skills; promoting appropriate expression of feelings such as anger, fear, frustration and happiness; splinting and joint mobility; adaptive equipment recommendation and prescription; motor planning and coordination; feeding and swallowing; improving sensory processing skills such as organization, self-regulation and behavioral state.
To refer a child to Occupational Therapy, contact Lori McCoy Therapy, LLC directly and they will coordinate with the child's physician. To contact them, call (850) 294-9716 or email lorimccoy@lorimccoytherapy.com.