On Friday evening, Jan. 7, Madison First Baptist Church kicked off their annual Discipleship Now (D-Now) youth retreat program. The theme for this year's Bible studies and focus was “Frequency: Tuning in to the Voice That Matters.” There were about 30 students registered and in attendance for this event, and 20 volunteer adults coordinating it. The group enjoyed hearing sermons from Nathan Schneider of the Florida Baptist Convention for the messages during this year's D-Now, and The Remnant Band led the worship services for the weekend. Some of the fun activities the youth participated in included sports relays and games, hide and go seek in the dark, a bonfire, making Morse Code jewelry and taking classes on apologetics. Small group leaders and students alike enjoyed their time together during this weekend-long event, digging into the Word and learning how God speaks to those who believe in him. A great time was had by all who attended and worked this event, as everyone serving and learning grew closer to God and deeper in their faith.

Madison First Baptist hosts 2022 D-Now
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