Rick Patrick: Greene Publishing, Inc.
Proving that they are "not finished, [they] are just beginning," the Class of 1969 of Suwannee River High School (SRHS), of Madison, recently celebrated their 50th year since graduation with a reunion, from Friday, July 5, through Sunday, July 7.
According to class member Liz Cherry, SRHS's Class of 1969 was one of only three graduating classes from the school, which was formerly Madison County Training Academy and Suwannee River Junior College. The other two graduating classes from SRHS were in 1968 and 1970.
The class chose to use the facilities of Advent Christian Village as the primary location for their festivities, which began with a "meet and greet" on Friday, July 5. There was plenty of time for reminiscing and catching up as class members enjoyed food and conversation, along with music provided by a class DJ.
The fellowship continued on Saturday, July 6, with a catered BBQ picnic. There were games provided for children and adults alike as the class members enjoyed visiting the display boards, viewing memory books and taking many, many photographs. Later that evening, a dance was held at the Advent Christian Village gymnasium, which was decorated with the school's colors, navy blue and yellow, and the school mascot, a tiger. The class proved that age was no deterrence to having a good time as they danced, laughed and enjoyed a wonderful evening together.
The reunion concluded on Sunday, July 7, with a church service at Damascus Baptist Church. Following the service, a luncheon and memorial tribute was held. The class recognized 10 class members who have passed away over the years and the class heard from one of their former teachers, James Ray.
For the Class of 69, the years may have added a little grey to the hair, but it has also added to the value of the friendships of over a half a century.