Nancy Taylor: Greene Publishing, Inc.
Midway Baptist Church recently held Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the children of the church and community. This year’s VBS theme was Galactic Starveyors.
Amy Webb, who was in charge of registration, reported that over 30 children attended VBS each night (Sunday, June 11 through Tuesday, June 13), and 100 people attended the commencement service on Wednesday, June 14th.
According to Marilyn Taylor, this year’s VBS director, “One child made a decision (for salvation).” Taylor went on to say, “We felt the children enjoyed themselves. There was a lot of movement from one activity to another.”
One of the object lessons used to show children the effects of sin was a game between the girls and the boys to see which group could squeeze all of the toothpaste out of the tubes. After the children had emptied the tubes, they were asked to put the toothpaste back inside the tubes. The children responded with a chorus of “that’s crazy,” “you’re crazy,” and “that’s impossible.” The teachers for the evening then went on to explain to the children how everyone needs Jesus to help them live and make good choices. The lesson also included a teaching on how Jesus forgives them when they mess up if they only ask Him (through prayer).
On another night, a black light and jars of water were used to show the differences between a pure heart and a heart full of sin. This lesson showed the children how the light of God reveals people’s sins. Again, the message presented to the children was how only Jesus could forgive sin so that they can experience God’s redemption.
Toward the end of one of the evening sessions, Matt Thompson, pastor of the church, asked the children what they had learned. One of the children energetically responded, “I learned to dance.”
Taylor said the VBS teachers were motivated by the children’s excitement. Teens, as well as adults, worked together to make this year’s VBS a success. After talking to several individuals who worked at the VBS, it’s clear everyone had a good time learning about God, singing, dancing, and playing games.