Refuge House, Inc
Madison County is “Moving Forward Together” in supporting survivors of sexual violence. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and during this month, many community members and agencies have publically stood in solidarity with survivors by signing the “We Support Survivors” poster. This year’s theme is “Moving Forward Together.” While this past year presented many challenges, the current year is moving in the right direction.
Thank you to Madison County Sheriff’s office, Madison Police Department and all community members who publically supported Survivors!
If you or someone you know is experiencing sexual abuse or have experienced sexual abuse in the past, we encourage you to call the Refuge House, open 24-hours a day, 7 days a week at (850) 584-8808, (850) 681-2111 or 1-800-500-1119 to receive the help you need. Advocacy services are provided with compassion, understanding and confidentiality.
The mission of the Refuge House is to provide direct services to battered women, their children, and sexual assault survivors as well as to work to eliminate the conditions in society that allow such violence to continue.
Refuge House Services provided:
• All services are free and confidential
• Emergency Shelter Program provides a safe place for victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, commercial sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Dependent children are sheltered with their parent. Clients are provided with food, clothing and other personal items. Our counselors and case managers offer each resident the resources and emotional support needed to meet their “next step” goals.
• Hotline program provides 24/7 crisis intervention, supportive counseling, safety planning, referrals and screening for shelter. Advocates assist victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, commercial sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Friends, family and employers of victims are also invited to call our hotline for assistance to know how best to help. Trained advocates and volunteers staff the hotline program. All Refuge House programs can be accessed by calling the hotline.
• Transitional Housing Program is a comprehensive program that empowers through all phases of life. We offer and support a wide variety of personal, educational and vocational opportunities assisting survivors to make long-term positive changes in their lives. The program provides comfortable, spacious transitional housing for up to two years to battered women, their children and victims of sexual violence.
• Outreach Program offers services designed to meet the needs of all people affected by domestic and/or sexual violence. These services include: domestic violence counseling, sexual violence counseling and prostitution support services. Both individual counseling and groups are offered. Victims and their friends and family are welcome. We provide outreach services to primary and secondary survivors who are currently incarcerated or living in local shelters.
• Youth services program provides direct services to youth who are victims or who have witnessed domestic or sexual violence. Through support such as individual and group advocacy, crisis intervention, information and referral and evidence-based curricula implementation, we are able to end the cycle of violence. Trained advocates and volunteers staff the youth services program. Services are free and confidential.
• Community Education and Training program works to eliminate conditions in society that allow domestic and sexual violence to continue. It is through education and shared experiences that we challenge myths and views that condone the oppression of women, children, myths and views that condone the oppression or women, children and other marginalized groups. We provide awareness education for children, adolescents and adult community members in various settings through presentations, prevention activities and/or ongoing psychoeducational groups.
• We also provide professional trainings on the dynamics of power-based violence to folks throughout the Big Bend Region. All presentations are flexible in timing and in content. Please call (850) 922-6062 to discuss a presentation or to access education materials (posters, brochures, tear offs, etc.) All educational services are free of charge.
• Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program provides focused care for survivors of sexual assault as well as crisis intervention and advocacy. When a victim of sexual assault calls our hotline, presents themselves at the hospital or contacts 911 to report the crime, law enforcement or medical staff then contact the Refuge House hotline. The hotline then dispatches the specially trained, on-call SANE advocate. SANE advocates provide 24/7 support and information, while accompanying survivors through optional exams and options reporting. Advocates will respond to a hospital or to our trauma-informed SAFE center, designed especially with the survivor in mind.
Should the survivor want an exam,, specially trained nurses provide timely, thorough, and professional forensic evidence collection, documentation and preservation of evidence. The SANE nurses evaluate and treat for sexually transmitted diseases, evaluate pregnancy risk and document and treat injuries. Survivors are assisted with follow-up medical care and counseling. Services are free and confidential. • Courthouse Program provides assistance in completing official documents related to “Injunction for Protection.” Advocates also provide information and referral services, courtroom support, safety planning and crisis intervention. Advocates can accompany petitioners to hearings, providing emotional support as well as information about the process.