John Willoughby
In an effort to prevent the coronavirus from entering Madison, Madison Police Department (MPD) Chief Reggie Alexander is pleading with event organizers and homeowners within the City of Madison to refrain from congregating, in accordance with CDC guidelines that recommends desisting gathering in groups of 10 or more people.
On the night of Friday, March 27, the Madison Police Department put an end to a large gathering within the City of Madison that hosted approximately 150 people, which could have proved to be dangerous to those vulnerable if any of those in attendance unknowingly carried the virus.
Now, the police chief is warning that there could be consequences for holding gatherings for entertainment purposes within the city limits, both during the day or after hours. "Event organizers or the homeowners will be held responsible," Chief Alexander warned.
"As it stands now, from what I understand, there are no positive cases in Madison, but these kind of actions increase a persons chance of contracting the coronavirus," said Chief Alexander. "We've been told to limit our groups to 10, control our distance and if we don't have to be out, don't be out."
Chief Alexander also stated that if the community doesn't take heed or abide by the guidelines that have been set forth by the CDC and the United States government, "they're going to force our hands to take other measures," he warned.
"This needs to stop," Chief Alexander continued. "You're putting your community at risk. You're putting yourself at risk and most of all, you're putting your families at risk. Once it spreads, it's like a wildfire."