You have probably heard over the past several weeks that a caravan of migrants has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, headed toward the United States. They're mostly on foot and their numbers are growing into the multiple thousands. In recent developments, we have learned that two more separate caravans have begun to make the journey from other Central American countries.
The stated objective from these migrants is to seek asylum in the United States from oppression by their home government. If that were the sole reason, then they would seek asylum in the first nation they reached, Mexico, but instead, they continue on toward the U.S. Reporters embedded with the caravan report through interviews that another objective, work, is their purpose, and obviously, there is more work and higher wages in the humming U.S. economy than elsewhere.
So let's start our understanding with a rhetorical question: do you believe in borders? Webster's defines a nation as being politically organized with a government and territory. Territory suggests that a defined border is necessary for a nation to exist, and I accept that definition, but not everyone does. In this post-modern world, there is a theory that we are all a one-world community of brotherhood and borders/nations are an anachronistic relic from the past. I think there are a lot of problems with that definition, and those who believe that, at least in this country, are in the minority … so far.
Let's pretend for a moment and assume we have no southern border with Mexico and anyone is free to travel across at will: what types of problems does that invite? Let me suggest a few, although my list is by no means exhaustive: contraband including narcotic drugs; human trafficking; violence and terrorism; different understanding of laws; as well as cultural and language differences.
I could go on, but you get the picture. New immigrants to our nation need to be assimilated into American culture in order to truly be a part of the United States. That is a process that takes time and order to accomplish.
The Trump Administration is committed to stopping this caravan of migrants from crossing our borders and being set free through the catch-and-release program into "the shadows" of our country. We thought the Mexican government would follow suit and halt the caravan at their southern border, but apparently, they were overwhelmed with numbers in the caravan and failed.
This caravan has been underway for several weeks and growing in strength. There are logistics associated with keeping thousands of people on the march, including food, communications, clothing, footwear, protection from storms, health care and places to sleep. You might ask: where are they getting the money and supplies to support this considerable logistic effort?
It turns out there is an organization named "People without Borders" that originally organized this march and is keeping it supplied. They are allied with a Hispanic support organization based in Chicago that receives most of its financial support from a Methodist church also in Chicago, Lincoln United Methodist. Presumably, this church is able to take tax-free donations and earmark them for creation and support of mass immigration efforts like the caravan. This might look like a money-laundering operation to you.
I certainly have no argument with churches supporting people in need including the immigrant community, but I do have a problem when a church initiates the process. I don't think we have any right to create a problem for ourselves to then address. That would be akin to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Just two weeks ago, I employed a guest-worker program. I contracted with a company from Arkansas to hand-plant 94 acres of timberland in Suwannee County with 58 thousand containerized slash pine seedlings. There were twelve workers on the crew plus their foreman who were from the state of Oaxaca south of Mexico City. Their visas were for nine months under the H-2B guest worker program. They did the job in about 13 hours over two days. I am very pleased with their work. They'll earn more money doing this type of work in the U.S. and be able to send most of it home to support their families. They make a considerable sacrifice to be away from their families and homes for so long, but the money is worth the sacrifice.
This is how immigration is supposed to work, and we're in danger of losing a handle on it. The caravans, both current and future, threaten our border and legal immigration. Somehow, we must put the brakes on illegal immigration with all of its attendant problems. I ask your prayers for those on both sides of our southern border with Mexico to peacefully resolve this untenable situation.