Cheltsie Holbrook
Relay for Life Pageant Director Danyel Rucker turned lemons into lemonade after the annual Miss Relay for Life pageant was canceled due to COVID-19 this month.
The annual Miss Relay for Life pageant was scheduled for Sunday, May 17, but was canceled due to the virus that is changing the lives of individuals world-wide. But with the cancellation came a new way to continue the pageant. Rucker turned the annual pageant into a new and improved event, the Miss Relay for Life Photo Contest. The contest allowed four contestants per category and the categories included: Birth-12 months, Infant Miss; 13-23 months, Baby Miss; 2-3 years old, Toddler Miss; 4-5, Tiny Miss; 6-7, Little Miss; 8-9, Junior Miss; 10-12, Pre-Teen Miss; 13-15, Teen Miss; and 16 and up; Miss. Also announced, was a Miss Senior of the South winner, which was a category open for seniors only. All contestants had to do was email a photo to Rucker and, from there, they were sent to the judges for judging. All winners from each category received a crown and a sash.
Meet your 2020 Miss Relay for Life winners: Ryleigh Hitchcock, Infant Miss Relay for Life; Olivia Osburn, Baby Miss Relay for Life; Kinsleigh Alday, Toddler Miss Relay for Life; Audrey Bullard, Tiny Miss Relay for Life; Arabella Johnson, Little Miss Relay for Life; Paisley Yarbrough, Junior Miss Relay for Life; Autumn Smith, Pre-Teen Miss Relay for Life; Molly Jones, Teen Miss Relay for Life; Isabella Lott, Miss Relay for Life; Jackson Greene, Mr. Relay for Life; and Hayley Gray, Miss Senior of the South.
If you would like to participate in the next photo contest, be sure to like the Crowns of Courage Facebook page.