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North Florida Community College's (NFCC) Registered Nursing Class of 2017 was honored during a Pinning and Lamp Lighting Ceremony on Thursday, Dec. 7. Fifteen graduates were recognized and took part in the ceremony's Lighting of the Lamps and Reciting of the Nightingale Pledge. The pinning ceremony is a special moment for graduates and marks the beginning of each student’s career as a healthcare professional.
Lydia Land of Mayo received the Academic Achievement Award. Shannon McCloud of Valdosta received the Nightingale Award for Excellence. Dana Jackson of Jennings received the Dedication to Nursing Award presented by South Georgia Medical Center and was honored as the 2017 Keeper of the Light. Jackson will return next year to pass along the tradition to the 2018 graduating class.
Congratulations to the NFCC Registered Nursing Class of 2017.
NFCC Registered Nursing graduate Shonda Wright shows her excitement to be graduating in December.