The Senior Citizens Council of Madison County, Inc. held a presentation on educating the community about visual impairments for Madison residents on Wednesday, July 15. The Lighthouse of the Big Bend is…
A homespun hero
Have you ever heard of Norma Elaine Brown? If you visit the Treasures of Madison County Museum on Range Avenue, her picture is displayed among dozens of other Madison County military personnel…
Farm Credit returns more than $3.5 million to members
Local farmers are benefitting from a Farm Credit of Northwest Florida patronage refund program that returned more than $3.5 million in profits to members this summer. “Our cooperative structure makes it possible…
Bible Deliverance Church Homecoming: Reflectsons to perform
Bible Deliverance Church will hold their Annual Homecoming Celebration on Sunday, August 2. Sunday School begins at 10 a.m., with the singing service beginning at 10:45 a.m. Lunch will be provided at…
Midway Church of God to host peanut boil
Midway Church of God is hosting a peanut boil on Saturday, August 1, at 6 p.m., with peanuts prepared by Elvoye Thomas and Julian Penny, along with desserts prepared by the ladies…
Church of God to host movie night
Madison Church of God will be showing the movie, Do You Believe? on Sunday, August 2, at 5 p.m. Come join us and see this awesome movie. The cost is a donation…
Madison Blue Springs named #1 swimming hole
For the last four weeks USA Today has been hosting a 10 Best Reader’s Choice Awards for Best Swimming Holes in the United States. All of the hard work of Madison residents…
Madison STARZ are Cal Ripken State champions
Madison County has always been considered a football community. Having had quite a few of the high school football players receive college scholarships and several advancing onto the NFL. However, in recent…
Meet Madison’s new Police Chief
The public is invited to a Meet Madison’s New Police Chief event scheduled for Tuesday, August 11 from 4 to 5 p.m., at the Senior Center of Madison County located at 1161…
Teachers to receive stipends
The Madison County School Board came together for their bi-monthly meeting on July 21 at 6 p.m. The meeting was kicked off with a special hearing to introduce the tentative budget for…
Driver seriously injured in wreck
A driver received serious injuries after colliding with a tree on Friday, July 24 at 3:44 p.m., on Old St. Augustine Road in Madison. According to the Florida Highway Patrol report, Brian…
Gov. Scott highlights efforts to fight human trafficking
Governor Rick Scott highlighted efforts Florida is taking to combat human trafficking and help victims of these horrendous crimes. Governor Scott ceremonially signed four bills that raises awareness of the signs of…
In light of the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing the perversion of two homosexuals or two lesbians, calling themselves “married,” it is time Christian to recognize that it must cut all ties…
Christian Concepts: The Pastor Protection Act
In the wake of the Supreme Court of the United States’ decision in Obergefell v. Hodges that determined same-sex marriage is a fundamental right according to the United States Constitution, there is…
Rotarians learn about The Arc Big Bend
Paula Arnold, Community Development Consultant for The Arc Big Bend, spoke at the Rotary Club meeting on Wednesday, July 22. She discussed what The Arc Big Bend is and how it helps…
Kids Crusade 2015 is a success
Beginning July 6 and lasting until July 10, Kids Crusade 2015: Racing for the Crown of Life took place at Bible Deliverance Church of Madison. Featured at Kid’s Crusade 2015 was David…
State control of red snapper nothing more than a race to the bottom
Seafood Harvesters of America, Executive Director Brett Veerhusen issued the following statement today in response to introduction of the Gulf States Red Snapper Management Authority Act: The Seafood Harvesters of America vehemently…
ACA football team attends camp
[inpost_fancy thumb_width=”200″ thumb_height=”200″ post_id=”3176″ thumb_margin_left=”0″ thumb_margin_bottom=”0″ thumb_border_radius=”2″ thumb_shadow=”0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)” id=”” random=”0″ group=”0″ border=”” show_in_popup=”0″ album_cover=”” album_cover_width=”200″ album_cover_height=”200″ popup_width=”800″ popup_max_height=”600″ popup_title=”Gallery” type=”fancy” sc_id=”sc1438104549461″] 1. Photo Submitted. Aucilla Christian Academy’s…
Obituary: Douglas Kenneth Tuten, Sr.
Douglas Kenneth Tuten, Sr., age 79, died Sunday, July 26, at Big Bend Hospice, Tallahassee, Florida. Graveside funeral service will be Wednesday, July 29 at 12:30 p.m., at San Pedro Cemetery with…
Obituary: Jack D. Pickels
Jack D. Pickels, age 80, died Saturday, July 25 in Madison. Funeral services will be Monday, 11 a.m., on July 27, at New Home Baptist Church with burial at San Pedro Cemetery….