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Unlike years before, this year's Relay for Life will not entail laps around a track. Madison Relay for Life will be different this year and a pot luck survivor dinner and luminaria ceremony will be hosted on Friday, May 4, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., at North Florida Community College's Student Center (Bldg. 9), located at 325 NW Turner Davis Dr., in Madison.
Community Development Remote Manager for Madison Relay for Life, Amanda Dreszer, stated that the Relay for Life of Madison is exploring some new venues and a structure to include the surrounding areas that may have lost their event.
During this time, the Madison Relay team will be discussing the future of the Madison Relay for Life and the inclusion of other relayers in the area. The Madison Relay for Life invites you and your team to come out so that everyone who wants to be involved can talk about ideas and strategies for the coming year.