Shikari Hamm is our newest reporter for Greene Publishing, Inc. this summer. She is a senior broadcast journalism student at Florida A & M University and received her Associate of Arts degree from North Florida Community College (NFCC). At NFCC, Hamm was a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Hamm is a native of Monticello, Fl. and a 2011 Jefferson County Middle High School honor graduate. At FAMU, Shikari is on the Dean’s List and a member of Kappa Tau Alpha’s Journalism Society. “All of my accomplishments are because of Him,” said Hamm.
“When you put God first, everything else will fall in place.” As a child, she knew she always wanted to be in the entertainment industry, a news anchor or doing something involving writing. “Good things do come out of Jefferson County but you have to want success bad enough to succeed.” After graduation, she wants to go back to school and receive a Master’s degree in Mass Communications or Film Production.
“When I’m done with school, I want to give back to my community. Oftentimes you see children running around and getting in trouble but I want to see a change. I want to give them something they can look forward to doing for the rest of their life.” She will be applying to grad school soon and wants to attend Full Sail University. Hamm is ambitious and aspires to do great things and share her accomplishments with others. “When God blesses us, we are supposed to be a blessing to other people.”
In her leisure time, she loves singing, praise dancing, shopping, traveling, doing hair, writing and spending time with her family. “My family means everything to me. I love making them proud.” Hamm is the daughter of Robert and Lutricia Hamm of Monticello, Fl.
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