James states a two part principle defining how a person will know if another person has faith. He basically says faith can only be shown by the works that are done. Abraham sacrificing his son is given as an example (James 2:18-24).
James instructs his readers that “faith, if it has no works, is dead.” He makes the point that a person must demonstrate their faith by their actions. So, in this opening sentence of this new paragraph, he says, “show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”
It is easy for one to say they have faith in God, but the real proof is seen in their actions. ”
James uses Abraham as one who demonstrated their faith by their actions. Abraham offering up his son, Isaac, on the altar (cf. Genesis 22) is a great example of a faith that is “perfected;” thereby bringing Abraham’s faith to completeness.
Abraham demonstrated to God the degree of “faith” he had in God. While God did not need to command Abraham to offer his son to know the degree of faith Abraham had in God, this action demonstrated to everyone on this earth the faith of Abraham. This example, as used by James, helps us to see the degree one must go sometimes to “show their faith.”
While this example is very extreme, Christians today need to see the extent they may have to go in order to “show their faith.” They may be placed in some very challenging situation where their faith must be shown.
James records a comment made by God after He saw what Abraham had done. Quoting Scripture, James says “And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to Him as righteousness.” Then James comments, “You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone.” By having these statements, we can see that one is righteous based upon their faith and one is justified based upon their works. The conclusion we must reach is that we are both made righteous and are justified when our faith is seen by our works.
Becoming a Christian is more than just putting one’s faith in Christ; it must be shown. The Christian life is more than just putting one’s faith in Christ; it must be visible to others. God will reward the Christian just like He did Abraham, based upon us showing our faith by living God’s way!
Carlton G. McPeak (carlton_mc@msn.com) is an evangelist working in the Florida Gateway region.
Scriptural quotations from the NASB.