Scrap metal thefts
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Madison County Sheriff Ben Stewart reports that Sheriff deputies responded to several complaints of burglary, theft and dealing in stolen property during the period of Thursday, Jan. 15 through Friday, Jan. 23. These complaints resulted in five separate cases involving several thousand dollars of scrap metal that was stolen and sold. Each case was investigated further by Sheriff deputies and resulted in six arrests. For the first case, Darren Lewis Davis, 46, and Sammie Lee Pridgeon, 58, both of Madison, were charged with Grand Theft III. For the second case, Michael Dwin Turner, 19, and Xavier Davis, 22, both of Madison, were charged with theft and dealing in stolen property. The third and fourth case resulted in Derrick Alexander, 34, of Madison, being charged with two counts of Grand Theft. The fifth case resulted in Dakota Calhoun, 19, of Madison, being charged with theft and dealing in stolen property.