The Madison Lions Club’s annual Fourth of July God and County Celebration was held Saturday, July 4. There was a Freedom 5K and Fun Run, entertainment and fireworks. The event started on July 4 with the Freedoms 5K and Fun Run at 8 a.m., at the Four Freedom Trail. There was an award ceremony following the race to award the top runners overall for male and female. Skylar Dunn was the gold medalist for men and Bruce Jordan was the silver medalist. Jennifer Harper was the gold medalist for women and Dawn Dunn was silver medalist. Entertainment and vendors around Lake Frances began at 3 p.m. and lasted until the end of the firework show. The Lions Club honored the country with a reading of the Declaration of Independence and a narrated flag raising ceremony. The dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony for the Madison Lions Club Pavilion started at 5 p.m. Then Lions Club member, Tom Moffses, was honored for 40 years with the Lions Club. “The Madison Lions Club God and County Celebration was a big success again this year because of the wonderful support we received throughout the county,” said Madison Lions Club President Christy Roebuck. “This year, there was a splendid addition to the event with the dedication of the new pavilion donated by the Madison Lions Club to the City of Madison. Thank you to Madison Sporting Goods & Pawn, A Main Street Realty and Johnson & Johnson for the Chance to Win items to support the pavilion project.
Madison Community Bank and Johnson & Johnson thank you for the donation of the spectacular fireworks. Thank you Lee Fire Rescue for your help with the fireworks. Thank you to the City of Madison, Fire department and Police Department for your support and allowing us to hold the event. Thank you to our Red Sponsors: Duke Energy, Greene Publishing, Burns Funeral Home, Madison Realty Group, and South Georgia North Florida Eye Partners for your generous support. Thank you to our White Sponsors: Madison Church of God, Top Hat Limo Service and Tri-County Electric. Thank you to our Blue Sponsors: ACE Hardware, Capital City Bank, Corporate Graphics International, Davis, Schnitker, Reeve & Browning, FASS Technology, Gordon Tractor, Live Oak Pest Control, Inc., Madison County Constitutional Officers, Madison County Republican Party, Madison Veterinary Clinic, Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, Timberland Ford, Uphold's Feed & Diner, Wells Fargo Bank and Winn Dixie. Thank you to the entertainers and vendors at this year’s event. It is with your support and participation that this event is possible.”
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1. Greene Publishing, Inc. Photo By Emerald Greene Parsons, July 4, 2015. - This group of friends was caught on camera as they celebrated the 4th of July together, by watching the fireworks. Pictured, from left to right, are: Alonzo Smith, Chrystal Monts, Gloria Monts, Rosa Richardson, Robert Downing, Mary Ellen Greene, Cheryl Scovell, Faye Ludwig, Candy Mosher and Mike Mosher.
2. Greene Publishing, Inc. Photo By Emerald Greene Parsons, July 4, 2015. - Lions Club members take a moment to enjoy the fireworks at the 4th of July celebration. Pictured, from left to right, are: Norman Brightwell, Tom Moffses and honorary member Ina Thompson.
3. Greene Publishing, Inc. Photo By Emerald Greene Parsons, July 4, 2015. - The Madison Lions Club’s annual Fourth of July God and County Celebration was held Saturday, July 4 and the fireworks were spectacular.