Mickey Starling: Greene Publishing, Inc.
St. Mary's Episcopal Church began a series of meetings on Sunday, Jan. 14, entitled, “Mystic Saints and You,” which is meant to explore the importance of hearing from God, as well as the various forms that may take. The group is meeting every Sunday, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Bobbi Breo, a 30-year Episcopalian and life-long seeker of God, is leading the meetings. Breo understands the importance of a biblical basis for our faith. “The Bible is so important, but what happens after the Bible. Don't these stories keep going? My wish is to bring these stories forward. My hope is that we can share our stories with each other. Our liturgy is so important. But, sharing our stories, as well as those of mystics and saints will expand our understanding of God in our community in beautiful ways,” said Breo. The classes are not lecture-based, but will focus on exploring and listening to each others' stories concerning hearing from God.
Many Christians have struggled to accurately determine whether they are hearing from God. “If I get an easy message - one that is clear - I know it's God. If I have to talk to other people about it, it's not from God,” said Breo. Rev. Boyles is excited about this series of meetings, which have already been well-attended. “Bobbi has brought incredible skills, leadership and vitality to our church. It has been a blessing,” said Boyles. Future topics being considered are “divine love” and “death and dying.” Everyone is invited to attend these classes at Mary's Episcopal Church, which is located at 140 NE Horry St., in Madison.