Lady Warriors win state title
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On Saturday, May 9, the Aucilla Christian Academy Lady Warriors won the FHSAA Class 2A State Championship. The feat marks the first championship in any sport in Aucilla's history. Above, the Lady Warriors and their coaches proudly display their trophy after the championship game in Vero Beach, Fl. In the back row, pictured from left to right, are: Assistant Coach Jarrod Lauth, Head Coach Becky Lauth, Ashlyn Rogers, Dena Bishop, Camryn Grant, Abigail Morgan, Kaylie Rogers, Taylor Copeland, Elizabeth Hightower, Assistant Coach Susan Morgan and Assistant Coach Ansley Rogers. In the front row, pictured from left to right, are: Natalie Sorensen, Emma Witmer, Ramsey Sullivan, Kelly Horne, Carly Joiner and Natalie Vasquez. See page 10A for State Championship highlights.