Cheltsie Holbrook
The 42nd Annual Down Home Days celebration was held from Wednesday, April 19 through Saturday, April 22.
The festivities began on Wednesday, April 19, with a new tradition at Four Freedoms Park where churches came together for a worship service. After worship, Madison native JerriAnn Webb delivered the Word of God. The 32nd Annual Dog Show, sponsored by Madison Veterinary Clinic's Grooming Department, was held on Thursday, April 20, at Four Freedoms Park. Registration began at 6 p.m., with the event being held at 6:30 p.m. Marvin, shown by Ken Common, was named Best in Show. Another Down Home Days tradition was renewed when Schoelles and Associates sponsored the Down Home Days Youth Art Contest. Young people from throughout Madison County submitted their best work, with seven young artists winning cash prizes.
On Friday, April 21, the fun continued with a pie bake off, sponsored by Grumpy's Diner. Pie entries were hand delivered to Grumpy's Diner by 6 p.m. and entry fees were $10 per pie. Judges selected a winner based on taste and texture. First place this year went to Avalon Staggs for her Cherry Pie, Margaret Ann Smith came in second place for her Grand Marnier Berry Pie and Emily Pinson took home third place for her sweet Potato Pie. Staggs received a $50 cash prize for coming in first place, Smith a $30 cash prize and Pinson a $20 cash prize. Slices of the pies were served to customers during Down Home Days, with all proceeds going to the Madison County Chamber of Commerce. Also happening on Friday was a performance from Becky’s Dance Steps Studio which also took place at 6 p.m. The dancers put on a 45 minute performance for the attendees. To wrap up the day, Madison Church of Christ held an old fashioned a capella gospel sing at 7 p.m.
The day we had all been waiting for arrived on Saturday, April 22, with the Champion Fitness 5K/1 mile fun run kicking off at 8 a.m. Vendor booths began opening at 8 a.m., around Four Freedoms Park and down Range Avenue. The parade kicked off at 10 a.m. Other notable activities during the festival included an antique car show, a petting zoo, and more.
One can't forget the highly-anticipated Annual Frog Hop, which took place at 1 p.m. on the courthouse lawn. There were three divisions of competition, children division: toddler through K-4; junior division: K-5 through third grade; and senior division: fourth grade and up. Lawson Groover and his frog Ninja were named the 2023 Down Home Days Frog Hop Grand Champion.
Down Home Days wrapped up on Saturday, April 22, with the Fatherhood Flag Football event, hosted by Boyz to Kings, Inc. and sponsored by Battlefront Education and Wellness and Healthy Start. Fathers from Madison County took on Taylor County’s fathers. The event was held at Lanier Field with kick off at 4 p.m., where people gathered and cheered for the dads on the field.